Book Title: Building a Food Safety Culture in a Food Service Operation

Authors: Patricia Bowman, MS., FSM., CHE., CSFS

Cover image for Building a Food Safety Culture in a Food Service Operation

Book Description: Where food safety practices are day to day operational standards, the concept of an embedded food safety culture within the commercial food service industry is relatively new. The regulations tell us we have to practice food safety, building a food safety culture gives employees the desire to want to practice food safety.

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Book Information


Patricia Bowman, MS., FSM., CHE., CSFS


Building a Food Safety Culture in a Food Service Operation Copyright © by Patricia Bowman, MS., FSM., CHE., CSFS. All Rights Reserved.


Food and drink service industries


Building a Food Safety Culture in a Food Service Operation
Patricia Bowman, MS., FSM., CHE., CSFS
Primary Subject
Food and drink service industries
Additional Subject(s)
Food and drink service industries