
The following set of resources were compiled by University of Minnesota librarian Van Houlson. As the Journalism and Strategic Communications collection specialist, he keeps his eye out for key information resources. For students at the University of Minnesota, the links will take you to the sign in for access. Others looking at this guide might need their own subscriptions or access through a university, public, or corporate library.

University Libraries Website
• Find collections, locations, and services
• Search for books, articles, media and online content using MNCAT Discovery
• Find databases by subject
• Find online journals, magazines, or newspapers
• Get help

Journalism Library Website
• Find databases for strategic communication or journalism
• Use Library Course Pages to find class readings, textbooks, and databases
• Citation guides and other information management tools
• Get help from the Journalism Librarian

Business Information Website
• Company directories, profiles, and financial information
• Industry and market research reports
• Articles from business publications
• International business resources
• Library assistance from business information experts



ProQuest Newsstand
Full text access to daily newspapers including the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and regional newspapers like the Star Tribune. Dates of coverage vary, but range from 1990-present.

A global source of news content with features to limit by geography, language, or types of publications. Strong coverage of news from wire services and business sources good for company research.

LexisNexis Academic
Large database of full text articles from newspapers, wire services, business publications, legal sources, transcripts, blogs, college and university newspapers.

Google News
Aggregator of news from both news websites worldwide. Articles often include additional social media posts, videos, and supplementary information.

Search engine for local and regional newspapers for the United States. Searching is free but articles are fee based. Articles can be obtained from Hennepin County Library using a similar Newsbank database called World Access News.



EBSCO Megafile
A large multidisciplinary database of articles from magazines, academic journals, trade magazines and selected newspapers that go back over 50 years.

Expanded Academic ASAP
General article database for magazines, journals, and news sources with coverage back to 1980.

Communication and Mass Media Complete
Articles from journals and trade magazines on topics in mass media, film, television, marketing, and communications in business, health, and other communication studies.

Film and Television Literature Index
Articles from trade magazines, journals, books on film and television.

SRDS Media Solutions
Directory of trade magazines, professional magazines and consumer magazines and other media outlets such as websites, television, cable, radio, outdoor advertising, and direct marketing. Find advertising rates, audience metrics, website analytics, media kits, profiles, and contacts.

Google Scholar
Find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, and universities, and reports from research centers.

MNCAT Discovery
Limit searches to articles from journals, news, magazines, and reports.

Full text articles in academic journals and books in the arts, humanities, and social sciences that is useful for historical research.

Web of Science
Index to articles from the highest ranked academic journals in all subject disciplines. Includes unique features for researching articles by cited literature.

Databases by Subject
Find article databases by subject areas



Associations Unlimited
Search for associations and professional societies by keyword or category. Get contact information or visit websites of these specialized information producers.

Research Centers Directory
Search for research centers in the United States to locate experts and specialized information from scientific, social science, or humanities institutes.

Leadership Library
Detailed information about people and organizational structure of corporations, nonprofits, news outlets, associations, law firms, courts, and local, state, and federal government.

Directory of nonprofits in the United States to locate organizations by geography, type, income, keywords and other criteria. Includes 990 tax return with financial information and other details about operations.

Foundation Directory
Directory of grantmakers, companies, and awards. Profiles of mission, analysis of expenses and revenue and other financial information including IRS 990 tax returns.



    Search engine for statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources. Includes opinion polls.

    Search engine for statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources. Includes opinion polls.

    Proquest Statistical
    Finding tool for statistical publications from government agencies, international organizations, trade associations, commercial publishers, research institutes, and universities.

    Data Planet
    Thousands of datasets for locations worldwide to create charts, maps, or rankings.



    iPoll Databank
    Resource from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research that allows searching of datasets from 150 polling organizations that include all major survey firms, academic, commercial, and media polls.

    Pew Research Center
    Research institute that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other social science research on issues, attitudes and trends shaping America.

    Polling The Nations
    Surveys from 700 polling organizations in the United States and other countries organized by topic.



    CQ Researcher
    Publisher of research on public policy, politics, history, and current affairs.

    Proquest Congressional
    Find congressional documents and reports, including Congressional Research Service reports on current topics.

    Government Accountability Office
    U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress and investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

    Content from think tanks, university research programs, research organizations and publishers.

    Journalist’s Toolbox
    Lists of websites for journalists to find organizations, public data, and other public records data.



    Market research reports on consumer products, services, and lifestyles. Each report describes the economic drivers, leading companies, market share, market size, trends, segmentation, and consumer attitudes and purchasing habits.

    Market research on countries, companies, markets, and consumers. Statistics, profiles and lifestyle analysis on countries worldwide.

    Sports Business Research Network
    Reports and statistics on sports participation, sporting goods, sports fan markets, consumer expenditures, brands, attendance at sports facilities, online media and television demographics.

    IBIS World
    Profiles of industries across all sectors in the United States and China. Find key statistics, leading companies, market characteristics, industry conditions, and sources of more information.

    Reports from S&P Capital IQ on large industries in the United States. Each report describes the current environment, trends, leading companies, comparative financial statistics, key ratios, a glossary of terms, and sources of information for an industry.



    GfK MRI Reporter
    Demographic and psychographic information about products, brands, and attitudes. Survey data used to perform cross tabulation of consumer preferences to find target audiences for marketing and advertising campaigns. Requires registration for personal account.

    Simmons Oneview
    Survey data to find target markets and consumer profiles for brands and products. Use for advertising campaigns, market research, and business plans. Search brands or products to cross tabulate against demographic variables such as age, income, and education.

    Web analytics and rankings of websites for companies and organizations to find demographic profiles of consumers. Request a password or use a computer at the Journalism Library.

    Local Market Audience
    Demographic analysis and consumer profiles by counties, states, and cities. Market profile reports, demographic reports, and lifestyle analysis of consumer behavior and market potential. Access via SRDS Media Solutions and use Internet Explorer.

    American Factfinder
    Demographic and business statistics for the United States from the U.S. Census.



    http://www.lib.umn.edu/get/18646Data and mapping application to over 15,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs and more.

    Web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States.

    ESRI Business Analyst Online
    Request access from USpatial (uspatial@umn.edu) to analyze consumers by location. Research the lifestyles, buying behavior, and businesses for given market area.



      Case studies, market reports, statistics, and articles from Admap, Market Leader, the Iternational Journal of Market Research, Journal of Advertising Research and other research publications from the World Advertising Research Council.

      AdAge Datacenter
      Full access to Advertising Age along with rankings and statistics from the AdAge Datacenter. The Datacenter provides analysis of the advertising and media industry along with profiles of agencies and media companies.

      Advertising Redbooks
      Information about advertisers, agencies, public relations firms and media buying services. Search for agencies and advertisers by industry, specialization, location, and sales. To access, click on “Sign In”, then select “IP Portal University Library Users”

      Find advertising media spending by company, brands, products, or industries across all media channels. Licensed for 2 simultaneous users.

      Covers the work of agencies worldwide with interviews for case studies, packaging, branding and design for major brands. Use this database to research advertisements by agencies, advertiser, brands, campaigns, or creative staff.

      Global archive of advertising from TV and cinema, print magazines and newspapers, outdoor billboards and posters, online, direct marketing, and radio. Search by advertiser, product, brand, release date, country of origin, and creative credits, among other attributes.



      Hoover Company and Industry Reports
      Profiles of public and private companies worldwide with business description, history, facts, and contacts, competitors, products, services, and press releases. Includes industry reports from First Research.

      Corporate Affiliations
      Learn about the corporate family structure among large public and private companies such as divisions, subsidiaries, sales, competitors, acquisitions, industry descriptions, and brand names.

      Profiles of privately-held companies with business description, recent events, ownership, legal issues, and financial information. Requires a special registration.

      MarketLine Company and Industry Profiles
      Use Business Source Premier to find company or industry reports. Profiles of major corporations include key facts, business description, history, key employees with biographies, products and services, revenue analysis, SWOT analysis, top competitors, locations and subsidiaries.

      Directory of businesses, health care, and residential listings in the United States and Canada. Search by company name, location, business type, to create lists or find contacts.

      Profiles of public corporations around the world that includes summaries, company histories, property, financials, subsdiaries, joint ventures, long term, press release and historical annual reports. Includes access to reports from the Securities Exchange Commission that discloses information about their financial condition, products, business segments, and executive compensation.

      Annual Reports
      Public companies publish annual reports to their shareholders with information about their operations, products, and finances. Look under “Investor Relations” on the company website.


      Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

      Information Strategies for Communicators Copyright © 2015 by Kathleen A. Hansen and Nora Paul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.